These are the countries that don’t consider LGBT+ people to be ‘real’ nationals

NEW YORK, NY – JUNE 14: Participants march during a Flag Day ‘Raise the Rainbow’ rally, June 14, 2017 in New York City. The event honored LGBT rainbow flag creator Gilbert Baker, who died in March 2017. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
The idea of what makes a person ‘truly’ from their country is a complex one.
Although most of us would be happy to define a Brit as anyone who uses diagrams to explain the perfect cup of tea and an overwhelming sense of anxiety if they pay for anything less than £2 on their card, others have more infuriatingly divisive ideas.
In an attempt to capture this essence, IPSOS Mori polled eighteen countries across the globe to find out whether they consider LGBT+ people to be ‘real’ nationals.

Prince Charles drinking a cup of tea: the most archetypically British image ever? (PHIL NOBLE/AFP/Getty Images)
Although it is by no means considered an anti-gay nation, it may be surprising to find that France tops the list of the most accepting of LGBT+ people as nationals.
According to the pollsters, 81 percent of French people believe that LGBT+ people are ‘real’ nationals, with just 5 percent eschewing LGBT+ people in the definition.

Canada places second in the poll, with 77 percent of Canadians considering themselves nationals, while 5 percent believe this is not the case.
In case you’re adding up these numbers and wondering if we’re failing to grasp basic maths, the remainders belong to the ‘not sure’ section.
As you can see for yourself, Brits place a disappointing 14th place in the rankings, with just 60 percent of them believing LGBT+ people count as true Britons.
Considering a recent survey said that more Brits are concerned about animal rights than they are rights for LGBT people, it’s a consoling result.

The IPSOS Mori poll (IPSOS Mori)
Another 32 percent belong in the ‘not sure’ section (maybe like us, they’re considering the dubious nature of this question) but at least just 8 percent of them think LGBT+ are not Brits.
Predictably, a country where being gay is punishable by death scores the least kudos for its LGBT appreciation.
A disappointing 68 percent of Saudi Arabians believe that LGBT+ Saudi Arabians do not count as ‘real’ nationals.
Although it’s legal to be gay in Malaysia, with 86 percent of Malaysians polled in 2013 believing that society should accept homosexuality, it is startlingly different to its inclusivity figures.
Just 12 percent of Malaysians believe that LGBT+ people are true nationals, while 68 percent believe that they do not fit that definition.
Although we welcome a surprising roster of nations offering their support to the community, the whole thing has made us feel like it might be time for a trip abroad.
Moving to Chile, anyone?