Mike Pence attended a vile homophobic sermon and the White House streamed the whole thing

Mike Pence speaks at at Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee
Church leaders at an event attended by Mike Pence have claimed that homosexuals are possessed by demons and that animals can’t be gay.
Vice president Pence paid a visit on Sunday to the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, ahead of Martin Luther King Day.
The event, streamed live via the White House’s website and YouTube channel, saw church leaders rail against homosexuality and claim that Pence is “one of the most persecuted Christians in America”.
Preacher at Mike Pence event says demonic spirits cause homosexuality.
Just minutes after Pence addressed the congregation, Bishop Jerry Wayne Taylor took to the pulpit to claim that “the devil” is responsible for gay people and same-sex unions.
He said: “We have to encourage young men and women to get married. It’s a demonic spirit that causes a woman to want to lie with another woman. It’s a demonic spirit that causes a man to be attracted to another man.
“If a man gets attracted to me, he’s gonna be in trouble. Don’t put your hands on me! Amen. God didn’t make us for that.
“He made a man to be a man. If you want to know what God made you, when you go to the bathroom, just check your plumbing. What kind of plumbing are you using?”
The crowd loudly cheered the remarks.

, Bishop Jerry Wayne Taylor of the Holy City Church of God In Christ railed against homosexuality after a speech from Mike Pence
Homosexuality is definitely demonic because animals can’t be gay, bishop claims.
The bishop went on to incorrectly claim that animals do not have gay sex, and that this proves that homosexuality in humans is caused by demonic spirits – that apparently can only possess people.
He said:Â “You never see two male animals coming together. Animals have not left the place that God called them to be in, they stay in that place. We’ve got to expose what the devil is doing, y’all.”
In his speech at the event, Pence vowed to stand up for “stand strong for the values that you hold dear”.
It is hardly the first time that Mike Pence has spent time with anti-LGBT+ preachers.
The evangelical vice president is linked to a network of anti-LGBT+ activists, and a string of anti-LGBT+ actions taken by the Trump administration.