Driver who spat at pink Lycra-clad cyclist and shouted ‘gay boy’ is jailed after police trace DNA in saliva

Abi Robins described the joy at being included in sport. (Envato Elements)
A ‘homophobic’ driver who shouted “Oi, gay boy” and spat at a cyclist who was wearing pink Lycra has been jailed after police traced him from the DNA in his saliva.
On 27 March last year Faisal Alizada, 23, verbally abused and spat at Philip Howard from his car while they waited at traffic lights at Notting Hill Gate.
Police were able to match the saliva sample with Alizada’s DNA, and he was brought to court nine months later.
District Judge Samuel Goozee convicted him of assault by spitting, telling him: “Spitting at anybody is abhorrent, it makes it much more serious by the homophobic nature of the assault.”
Alizada pleaded with the judge not to send him to prison, arguing that it would worsen his anxiety and panic attacks.
Goozee disregarded this and sentenced him to eight weeks in prison, noting that he had previous convictions for common assault and actual bodily harm.
He also added an extra week to the sentence because he had forced Howard to relive the ordeal by pleading not guilty, then failing to attend the January 10 trial at Westminster Magistrates’ Court.
“I’m entirely satisfied that when you did it you were conscious, and that it was intentional on Mr Howard, as demonstrated by homophobic things you said and spat at him through the window,” Goozee said.
“I do not believe your apology has genuine remorse, he still had to go through the ordeal of giving evidence. You committed this offence subject to a crown court order for offences of similar nature.”
He condemned Alizada’s “woeful commitment” to following that order and also ordered him to pay £150 compensation to Howard.
The Daily Mail reports that after he was sentenced he had to be lifted to the exit by two dock officers while his family members pleaded with the court to set him free.