Get Off My Turf! New short film by an entirely trans cast and crew shows how illogical transphobia is

Making transphobia into a short film that’s both funny and exposes the illogical nature of transphobia is no easy task.

But My Genderation filmmakers Fox and Owl were up to it, and have made an eight-minute film called Get Off My Turf!

Director and co-writer Fox Fisher said: “The film was surprisingly entertaining and even therapeutic to make, as the process highlighted some of the absurdity of anti-trans arguments and beliefs.”

The film was made by an entirely trans cast and crew. In it, the focus is on two women who live next door to each other – and after one of them comes out as a transphobe, the other comes out as trans.

“You have been lying to me all this time,” says Penny, the transphobic neighbour played by Persia West.

“Do you think that I just mention it to every single person I meet, that I’m trans?” says Chloe, the trans woman (Owl Fisher).

“Well, maybe you should… what you’ve done, is you’ve deceived me into thinking that you were a real woman.”

“Do I look like a robot? I’m obviously a real woman.”

After this, the film explores how Penny and Chloe’s relationship changes, with Penny spying on Chloe and her friends hanging out.

Finally, the penny drops, and Penny begins to see Chloe as the woman she is.

Littered with the tired transphobic takes that so-called ‘gender-critical feminists’ level at trans women online, the film reveals how little logic there is to anti-trans arguments.

The script allows Owl to be quick and funny with her responses, something many trans people may feel envious of, given that real-life experiences of transphobia don’t often come with the room or safety for a quick-fire, sassy response.

And getting into character as a transphobe was very easy, according to Persia West: “it’s because the arguments are always the same, and are built upon conservative and outdated views on sex and gender.”

Get Off My Turf! is meant to be a parody on the ongoing public debate about trans women and trans feminine people, so the film is fairly light-hearted and fun despite the serious subject matter,” said Owl.