The latest Power Rangers reboot will reportedly star a transgender ranger

The upcoming Power Rangers reboot will, sources say, feature a gay and a trans ranger. (Lionsgate/IMDb)
It’s mighty morphin’ time for the LGBT+ community, as new reports suggest that the upcoming Power Rangers reboot will feature a trans ranger.
Fresh from the series’ Twitter account coming out as a mega-Lady Gaga stan, the Paramount Studio’s relaunch will be helmed by End of the F***ing World director Jonathan Entwistle.
Rumours have begun to swirl around the new series which, sources familiar to the show say, will feature a more diverse cast.
New Power Rangers reboot will feature gay and trans rangers, sources say.
One of the rangers, the source stated according to We Got This Covered, will be a trans woman. Although, it remains unclear which character it will be.
Reports have previously stated that the Red Ranger may be female and that the Blue Ranger may be gay.
After all, colour-coordinated heroes whose difference and unique identities are their superpowers? Nothing more can scream at the top of its lungs: LGBT+ rights!
The reboot of the 90s children’s classic will see the rangers – truly tapping on the current climate’s thirst for nostalgia – travel back in time to that decade. Even the Power Rangers are trying to flee from 2020.
Yellow Ranger was queer in 2017 film.
But the reboot of the franchise comes after another restart just three years ago. The iteration showed the Yellow Ranger, Trini, coming to terms with her sexuality.
Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter ahead of the film’s release, director Dean Israelite said: “For Trini, really she’s questioning a lot about who she is. She hasn’t fully figured it out yet.
“I think what’s great about that scene and what that scene propels for the rest of the movie is, ‘That’s OK.’

(Power Rangers)
“The movie is saying, ‘That’s OK,’ and all of the kids have to own who they are and find their tribe.”
The development was remarkable as Power Rangers was previously known for causing the original series’ Blue Ranger to quit because of vile homophobic abuse.
David Yost, who played Billy Cranston and the Blue Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, also said his co-stars were repeatedly quizzed about what they knew about his sexuality.
In 2010, he revealed: “I walked off set one day during the middle of lunch – I had made a decision, I had been thinking about it for a good week, and the reason I walked off was that I was called faggot one too many times.”