Tomi Lahren doesn’t like it when ‘liberals’ throw eggs and call her ‘Nazi Barbie’

Tomi Lahren speaks onstage at Politicon 2018 at Los Angeles Convention Center in 2018. (Getty/ Michael S Schwartz)
Fox News host and Donald Trump fanatic Tomi Lahren has revealed that she was egged and called a “Nazi Barbie”.
Lahren – who once said Joe Biden “might as well carry a purse” because of his decision to wear a face mask – disclosed her encounters with “liberals” over the weekend while speaking with Fox News Radio’s Jimmy Failla on Monday (10 May).
She said: “Just this past weekend I had two incidents.
“I had a girl from the sixth floor of an apartment complex try to throw eggs at me. Of course, being a liberal, she’s not super athletic. So she missed me.
“But yes, she tried to throw eggs at me.”
It is unclear how she could tell that the woman egging her, six floors up, was a “liberal”.
One of those loving, tolerant and unifying Libs attempted to egg me in Nashville today. Unsurprisingly, she was unable to hit me. Next time maybe throw a couple warm up pitches so you don’t waste all your eggs. Eggs aren’t cheap these days 👍🏼
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) May 9, 2021
She continued: “Yesterday, I had a grown man with a cigarette in hand and a mask on his face telling me once again that I’m ‘Nazi Barbie’ and telling me that I dance on the graves of Native Americans.
“I mean, the left has become so emboldened now that where it used to be, for me, just people attacking me on social media, now they’re doing what Maxine Waters said and they’re getting more confrontational because they believe they have this free pass.
“And I’m concerned it’s only going to get worse, for all of us.”
Twitter users were less than sympathetic, with one writing: “TFW you see ‘Nazi Barbie’ trending and know it’s about Tomi Lahren before you even click.”
Another tweeted: “You know, you’re far less likely to get egged if you’re wearing a mask, as people may not recognise you.”
Lahren is staunchly anti-lockdown, and last year compared coronavirus restrictions to “wilful slavery” in a later-deleted tweet.
More recently, in January, 2021, Lahren compared the violent, extremist Capitol riots to Black Lives Matter marches.
She wrote on Twitter at the time: “I am very disappointed in the acts of destruction/lawlessness at the Capitol today but for liberals to act like they are suddenly so appalled and disgusted by chaos and protest is the biggest load of BS.
“Y’all loved this kind of thing (and worse) all summer. Save your crocodile tears!”