McKellen: Da Vinci Code proves Jesus was not gay

Gay star of the Da Vinci Code Sir Ian Mckellen, has called on the church to welcome the controversial film, released worldwide today, as it confirms that Jesus was not gay.
The movie, based on the Dan Brown best seller, premiered at the Cannes Film Festival this week, it has been slammed by the Catholic Church and labelled as blasphemous.
But Sir Ian told the festival that the Church should welcome the film as it offered evidence of the sexuality of Jesus.
He said: “I’m happy to believe that Jesus was married. I thought that this was absolute truth that Jesus was not gay.
“I know the Catholic Church has problems with gay people and I thought that this was absolute truth that Jesus was not gay.”
The actor, who plays Sir Leigh Teabing, accused the religion of snobbery towards cinema goers, “When the book came out the controversy didn’t seem to exist.
“There were no statements from people in powerful places condemning the book.
“Is that because readers can be trusted to have minds and people that go and see movies need to protected?
“I think there’s a little bit of snobbery going on as regards the cinema, I think cinema-goers are just as intelligent as readers and they will make up their own minds, and in the meantime they will have a fantastic time, a fantastic ride.”
The Da Vinci Code is directed by Ron Howard and also stars Tom Hanks and Audrey Tatou.