No straight answers for LGBT homeless

A national agency representing charities campaigning against homelessness has released a new guide on the unique issues of LGBT homelessness.
Released today, the brochure entitled ‘No straight answers: homelessness and sexuality,’ is produced in association with gay charity the Albert Kennedy Trust (AKT).
It will be circulated to support agencies and frontline workers, offering tips for improving sensitivity to issues of sexuality and tackling discrimination.
It also advises LGBT homeless people of their rights and how to make sure these are not denied.
Unique problems cited include being thrown out of home, homophobic abuse in shelters, and same sex domestic violence.
Jenny Edwards, chief executive of Homeless Link, said: “Partner abuse is one of the most traumatic things that can happen. Being thrown out of your family home for being honest about your sexuality is a shattering experience.
“Everyone deserves and should expect the support they need to put themselves and their lives back together. We must all work to eliminate ignorance and discrimination against people because of their sexuality.”
Earlier this month, the AKT was awarded a Stonewall Community of the Year Award. The prize included a £5000 donation towards the charity’s work with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender homeless people.