Ireland’s population is 6% gay, survey finds

An estimated 6% of Irish adults are believed to be lesbian or gay, and results from the first ever market research measurement of the lifestyles and spending power of Ireland’s 200,000 lesbians and gay men are about to be released.
The new research will shed new light on gay community lifestyle and marketing issues. A new gay market research report is about to uncover Ireland’s gay and lesbian communities.
The Out Now 2007 GCN Ireland Gay Community Market Report is being released later this month.
For the first time it will be revealed what Irish gays and lesbians spend their time doing, how they spend their money, whether they prefer marriage to Civil Partnerships, and which political parties they prefer – along with a wealth of other gay community and market research data.
The research has been undertaken by the leading international specialist gay marketing agency Out Now Consulting for Ireland’s most established lesbian and gay publication, GCN.
According to the editor of GCN, Brian Finnegan, the report will reveal the first-ever in-depth look at the lesbian and gay community in Ireland.
“We are delighted to have these findings,” said Finnegan. “For so many years people pass their opinions on the lives of lesbians and gay men, usually without knowing the facts.
“Now, as a result of this new research, we understand more than ever before about the many thousands of gays and lesbians in Ireland who are our readers.
“We are especially grateful for the support of the more than 1,000 people across Ireland who filled in our market research survey forms in recent months. This data reflects a very detailed picture of who they are.”
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