Hillary Clinton top fundraiser in race to White House

She came from behind and now Hillary Clinton holds the biggest war chest in the battle for US President.
According to MarketWatch.com, Senator Clinton is sitting on a cool $35 million (£17.2m), more than her closest competitor Barack Obama, who had $32 million as of the end of September.
Mrs Clinton sped ahead of rival Obama in third quarter earnings, the one area where Obama was previously thought to be beating the former First Lady.
In contrast, the Republican field has had a tougher time raising funds, with Rudy Giuliani leading the pack at just $16 million.
His closest competitor, Mitt Romney, reportedly loaned himself $8.5 million of his own money in the third quarter, according to the Associated Press.
His total now stands at $9.2 million in available cash.
Obama, Giuliani and Romney each spent more money than they took in during their third quarter, according to an analysis of the candidates’ quarterly electronic filings.
On the near $24 million Clinton raised in primary funds, she spent $22 million, making her the only candidate who didn’t end the quarter in the red.
Further down the list, John Edwards heads into the primaries with $7 million in third quarter earnings while the most recent addition to the GOP field, former Law OrderI star Senator Fred Thompson, pocketed about the same.
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