Extra performance for London’s sold out gay panto

A charity panto in aid of gay equality organisation Stonewall has proved so popular that an extra date has been added to cope with demand.
On January 13 London Frontrunners will stage their A Christmas Carol at the Drill Hall in Chenies Street, with an extra evening performance at 7.15pm.
The second performance will be in aid of the venue itself, the UK’s premier gay arts venue which has recently been threatened with complete withdrawal of its Arts Council funding.
Jon Bradfield, the pantomime’s co-writer, said: “The Drill Hall embraced our idea of a charity pantomime in aid of Stonewall wholeheartedly and have been brilliantly supportive.
“It’s a sign of their great understanding of the importance of “community,” something that is very important to London Frontrunners.
“So we’re thrilled to be able to help – and celebrate – this fantastic venue with our show.
“It’s a fun way to finally say goodbye to the season and audience members can expect the usual mix of corny wit, slapstick, romance, music and naughtiness.”
London Frontrunners is a gay and lesbian running group.
Their pantomime features a quartet of gay and lesbian ghosts who are freed at a séance and bring chaos in Scrooge’s hotel on Christmas Eve.
The four are washerwoman Helena Handcart, her son Tiny Tim, who wants to find out who his father is, Scrooge’s celebrity niece Kelly, and Bob Cratchit, who wants someone to help roast his nuts.
London Frontrunners’ show was written by Jon Bradfield and Martin Hooper and is directed by Gary Wright, an actor, dancer and director who has appeared with many international ballet companies and in West End musicals.
Last year, the gay and lesbian running club wrote and performed a gay, running-themed version of Cinderella.
Through social events and the annual “Pride Run”, London Frontrunners has raised more than £11,000 for charity in the last few years.
Sunday 13 January 2008 at 7.15pm.
In support of The Drill Hall. Minimum donation £8. Advance booking advised – call 020 7307 5060.