Video: The gay advert that Heinz decided to pull

Heinz statement in full:
“Heinz UK today confirmed that it withdrew a UK TV commercial for Deli Mayo last week following consumer feedback.
The advertisement was no longer on air in the UK as of Friday, June 20th.
“It is our policy to listen to consumers.
“We recognise that some consumers raised concerns over the content of the ad and this prompted our decision to withdraw it,” said Nigel Dickie, Director of Corporate Affairs for Heinz UK.
“The advertisement, part of a short-run campaign, was intended to be humorous and we apologize to anyone who felt offended,” said Dickie.
The Deli Mayo TV advertisement in the UK was created as a humorous take on a slice of life and featured a genuine New York deli chef taking the place of a mum preparing great tasting sandwiches in the kitchen using UK Deli Mayo.”
Any people offended that Heinz removed an advert featuring a gay couple should contact them for FREE on 0800 528 57 57.
Remember, it is their policy that they listen to customers.
Gay equality organisation Stonewall has called on all consumers, gay and straight, to boycott leading worldwide food brand Heinz following its decision to pull a TV advertisement that depicted a same-sex couple.
Chief executive Ben Summerskill blasted Heinz’s knee-jerk reaction to an “orchestrated campaign of complaints” as short-sighted and discriminatory.
“If the ad showed a black couple, and people complained, I very much doubt they would withdraw it,” he told
The ad, for Heinz Deli Mayo, was pulled last Friday following some 200 complaints.
The Advertising Standards Authority said it is continuing to log complaints to the advertisement but has yet to decide if it will investigate.
ASA press officer Olivia Campbell said viewers had felt “offended” by the advertisement, but that homosexuality itself was not a breach of its code.
Heinz spokesperson Nigel Dickie apologised to consumers who felt “offended” by the advertisement.
However, Heinz had no response for the many gay consumers it had also offended by its actions.
Mr Summerskill encouraged consumers to engage in “ethical consumerism” by not buying Heinz products.
He also questioned whether ethically-minded young people would want to work for a company with such attitudes.
Mr Summerskill said many members of the LGBT community had already complained to Heinz and encouraged others to do so.
People who want to complain can call the Heinz customer careline on 0800 528 5757.
“Perhaps if 200 readers call and complain, they will change their minds again,” said Mr Summerskill.