Gay festival’s YouTube posting attracts homophobe

Organisers of an LGBT arts festival have said they are shocked by an abusive comment about the event left on the YouTube website.
The homophobic rant refers to “idiot fags” in response to a trailer for GFest.
The festival will take place in November across various London venues and provides a unique platform for LGBT artists to express themselves “in new and dynamic ways.”
“It’s shocking see such abusive attitude in this age & times in 2008,” GFest artistic director Niranjan Kamatkar told
“Over the years of working in LGBT arts, we had faced some nasty and homophobic comments, but this is a rude reminder that we all still need to work a lot for LGBT equality and mainstreaming of LGBT arts such as GFest.”
The abusive comment has been forwarded to the police for further assessment.
GFest, which is supported by, will be dedicated to creating an acceptance of ethnic and sexual identities through the arts.
Divided into three broad categories, the festival will show short film screenings, performance events and a visual arts exhibition, programmed for November 10th to 28th.
Click here for more information about GFest.