Religious zealots find White House website’s entry on gay rights
Homophobic Christian groups in America have discovered the new President’s support for gay rights.
A section on civil rights on the White House website contains information about the Obama administration’s plans for the LGBT community.
The American Family Association has a long history of homophobia. In an alert to supporters the AFA’s Rev. Donald Wildmon said:
“This is only the beginning of Obama’s plans to reshape society. His view is that unborn babies aren’t worth protecting and that homosexuals deserve special rights.”
Others were more panicked.
The editor of claimed that the new President “intends to use his office to promote and maintain the sexual deviant criminal behaviour of homosexuality (with malice aforethought).
“Civil officials who approve of homosexuality, make the civil government a vile cesspool from which the abominations vomit out across the land.” said: “The Obama Administration has posted its plans to implement the most radical homosexualist policy agenda in the nation.”
Under the heading ‘Civil Rghts’ the new administration sets out its agenda for the LGBT community on the White House website.
It begins with a quote from a speech Barack Obama gave in June 2007:
“While we have come a long way since the Stonewall riots in 1969, we still have a lot of work to do. Too often, the issue of LGBT rights is exploited by those seeking to divide us.
“But at its core, this issue is about who we are as Americans.
“It’s about whether this nation is going to live up to its founding promise of equality by treating all its citizens with dignity and respect.”