Manchester event to honour gay mathematician Alan Turing

Manchester city council is holding an event to honour Alan Turing, the gay mathematician who is hailed as one of the founders of computer science.
Turing died in the city in 1954 after poisoning himself with cyanide. The code-breaking genius had been convicted of homosexuality, which was illegal at the time, and was forced to endure oestrogen injections.
He recently received a posthumous apology from prime minister Gordon Brown for the way he had been treated.
The event will be held on Saturday December 5th at 12.45pm in Sackville Gardens, Sackville Street in Manchester and will include speeches from Graham Stringer MP, city centre spokesman councillor Pat Karney, councillor Mary Murphy and representatives of those who campaigned for the posthumous apology.
There is a statue of Turing in the gardens, which was installed in 2001.
City centre spokesman for Manchester city council, councillor Pat Karney, said: “We echo the prime minister’s recent statement, which rightly honours a man whose genius saved hundreds of thousands of lives in World War II.
“This event will show to friends and family how proud Manchester is of his historic contribution. Anyone who supports the idea of an event to mark Alan Turing’s work and life is very welcome to attend.”
Graham Stringer MP said:” Alan Turing was a war hero and a great scientist. His work at Bletchley Park was critical to World War II and his work on computers continues to shape the 21st century.
“The real commemoration to Alan Turing should be a society that never again accepts the persecution or prosecution of any individual, however famous or obscure, because of their homosexuality.”