Quinton Jackson says people should ‘lighten up’ over gay slurs

A-Team actor Quinton Jackson has said people should “lighten up” over his remarks on homosexuality.
The star told the Los Angeles Times last week that acting was “kind of gay” and “makes you soft”.
During the interview, he reportedly yelled homophobic abuse at a crew member.
He was criticised for the interview by the Gay And Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, which said: “Equating gay with soft is an antiquated stereotype.”
A spokesman continued: “In an era where gay servicemen risk their lives daily, Jackson’s implication that being gay means you can’t be tough is particularly harmful … GLAAD has reached out to Twentieth Century Fox about Jackson’s defamatory comments.”
In a response posted on his blog, Jackson wrote that he did not discriminate against gay people but the attention he receives from gay men can be “overwhelming”.
He wrote: “I would never discriminate against anybody for anything other that how they treat me or others around them. So not only do I not hate gay people, I actually accept them for who and what they are. They always seem happy and most of them I met are very kind and nice individuals.
Jackson also said: “Like most straight guys I joke around with the whole gay thing and I see it as comedy, not saying that’s right or wrong but I don’t do it out of hate”.
He said he had helped out a friend who runs a gay bar by drinking there.
“Not only did I enjoy myself but I was relieved that the guys at this bar did not hound me once,” he wrote.
“Honestly I mean this in the best way, me being a sports figure I attract a lot of male attention wherever I go and most straight fans act gayer than any guys that was at this gay bar that I visited my homegirl at.
“When I’m in the club guys always offer to buy me drinks, do the prom date picture, stare at me, try to get my attention, tries to dance with me.. even if I’m dancing with a hot chick already. Even though I love all my fans, this can be overwhelming sometimes, especially when I’m trying to unwind and have fun which in my line of work you don’t get much time to do.”