Apple removes ‘anti-gay’ iPhone app

Apple has apparently removed an app from its iTunes store which rails against gay marriage and LGBT rights.
The app, created by a Christian group, disappeared from the online store after media attention, first reported on
It was based on the Manhattan Declaration, a manifesto released in 2009 by Christian and Catholic leaders which rails against the “erosion” of marriage.
Apple did not return requests for comment and calls to Manhattan Declaration organisers went unanswered.
Almost 7,000 people signed an online petition calling on the usually gay-friendly company to remove the app.
Apple gave it a 4+ rating, meaning that it contains “no objectionable content” but gay rights website called on supporters to “send a strong message to Apple that supporting homophobia and efforts to restrict choice is bad business”.
The app asked users whether they agree with four statements on abortion and same-sex marriage and those who answer that they are pro-choice and pro-gay marriage are told that they are incorrect.
It also had links to read and sign up to the full declaration, which says that gay relationships are “immoral” and that same-sex marriages are equivalent to sanctioning incest.
The declaration says that signatories act out of “love and “concern for the comment good” rather than prejudice.
In October 2008, Apple donated $100,000 to the No on Prop 8 campaign, which called to preserve gay couples’ right to marry in California.
The company said it was speaking out publicly because “a person’s fundamental rights – including the right to marry – should not be affected by their sexual orientation”.