Campaigners urge Australia to ‘catch up’ on same-sex marriage and follow Britain’s lead

An equality organisation in Australia has urged the country’s federal government to follow the lead of the UK Government in legalising same-sex marriages.
Sarah Cummings, founder of Engage Celebrants said: “The UK Government has set a clear example to the Australian Government. We are fortunate to see the amazing love stories that same-sex couples share – they are just as strong and lasting as the heterosexual couples we marry. However, they are forced to go abroad to seek legal recognition of their relationship. We look forward to the day when we can legally marry gay couples in Australia.”
The national convener of Australian Marriage Equality added that despite having the support of the majority of Australians, Australia risks falling behind other countries with regard to equal marriage. He went on to say that after the vote in the British House of Commons yesterday, many LGBT Australians would now go and marry in the UK or in British consulates around the world, adding that it was sad that “that these couples will not have their marriages recognised under the law of the country they live in”.
The Australian Green Party Senator Sarah Hanson Young will introduce an updated version of the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2010 later on today in the Australian upper house.
The Australian House of Representatives rejected a bill, introduced by Labor MP Stephen Jones, aimed at legalising equal marriage in September 2012.