Massachusetts: School faces backlash and accusations of ‘blasphemy’ for staging gay biblical play

The head of a school in the US state of Massachusetts says a student production of a play that retells the biblical story of Genesis with gay characters will go on as planned despite objections.
Scott Goldman of the Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Public Charter School in South Hadley said in a letter to parents on Wednesday that the school has received email petitions and phone calls describing Paul Rudnick’s 1998 comedy ‘The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told’ as “blasphemous and hateful.”
According to the Associated Press, the school has been urged to cancel the shows scheduled for later this month, with Christian opponents threatening protests via local churches.
A petition against the play has now been set up. It reads: “There is no excuse or reason for this blasphemy.’’
The Daily Hampshire Gazette reports that Mr Goldman wrote that the play is consistent with the school’s philosophy and appropriate for a high school audience.
‘‘Is it the role of public school to facilitate an exchange of ideas on the themes explored in this particular play?’’ Mr Goldman said. ‘‘This is an excellent question, with answers that I imagine will be debated in what I hope will be climate of civility, and a desire to understand others’ viewpoints.’’