Video: Pastor says Sodom and Gomorrah was God’s ‘pilot study’ for ‘homosexual society’

An anti-gay US pastor has responded to a question on his internet radio show, to say that the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah was meant as God to be a “pilot study”, and a way of dealing with “homosexual society”.
Speaking on his own show, Hagee Hotline, Pastor John Hagee said that the ciblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah was God’s “pilot study”. He went on to say that if the “righteous” accept homosexuality, “judgement will come”, reports Right Wing Watch.
The pastor was responding to the question: “If the government does eventually completely legalise homosexual marriage, would God hold us accountable as Christians? Also, does it make a difference that we are only changing our worldly laws and not His laws?”
He said: “First of all, let me say that Sodom and Gomorrah is God’s pilot study for his response to the homosexual society. The fact is that not everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah was homosexual. When Abraham was bargaining with God for 50 righteous, 40 righteous, 30 righteous, 20 righteous and finally it levelled off for 10.”
“He said, ‘will you save Sodom and Gomorrah for 10 righteous?’ He was saying this would be ten people who opposed homosexuality. They were not found.”
“So it’s not if the government approve it, it’s if the people accept it. And if the righteous accept it, judgement will come.”
Republican presidential nominee John McCain was forced to cut ties with Hagee during the 2008 US election.
Last year, Hagee warned that the repeal of the Defence of Marriage Act would lead to polygamy.