Bill Maher: Is one of the criteria for being allowed to marry ‘ejaculating in a vagina’?

Television host Bill Maher weighed in on the equal marriage debate when the Supreme Court heard arguments around two cases this week, as he took to Twitter to joke that people might accept equal marriage if they called it by a different name.
He also questioned whether the criteria for allowing people to marry should be “ejaculating into a vagina”.
The HBO host tweeted a comment on Tuesday’s arguments around equal marriage, during which the Supreme Court justices deliberated over the definition of marriage, and whether ability to procreate was an adequate argument for allowing or denying someone the right to marry.
Listening to Supremes on whether Marriage is a magic word earned only be ejaculating in a vagina…jeez! How bout we call it Gay Narriage?
— Bill Maher (@billmaher) March 28, 2013
He went on to suggest that marriage between opposite-sex couples should be rebranded “Marriage Classic”.
…or even better:”Marriage” applies to straight, gay, circus animals, whatever – and oldschool man-woman marriage is now “Marriage Classic”
— Bill Maher (@billmaher) March 28, 2013
A decision by the Supreme Court in both cases is expected by the end of June.
Posting on their official Facebook pages, both singers made bold statements in favour of marriage equality.