Video: US pastor claims that equal marriage would be ‘the beginning of the end of America’

A radio programme broadcast by a Christian law firm has hosted a pastor who claimed that the end of America would ensue if the Supreme Court ruled in favour of equal marriage.
Seventh Day Adventist pastor, Mat Staver, claimed that, if the US Supreme Court rules that equal marriage for gay and lesbian couples is a constitutional right, it would be “the beginning of the end of America”.
In the vide posted by RightWingWatch, Staver appeared on the Faith and Freedom radio programme, broadcast by the anti-gay Liberty Counsel, and claimed that the legalisation of equal marriage would mean the end of religious freedom.
He went on to say that legalising equal marriage would be a “major disruption to society” in the US, and that it would be “the beginning of the end of America.”
The pair said that there was no way that the BSA could remain “morally straight”, if “you have adults modelling for children what every major world religion and thousands of years of history have held to be immoral behaviour.”