US columnist: Gay-inclusive TV shows are part of Satan’s plan to destroy America

A US columnist has appeared on a radio talk show to claim that TV, music and film are all parts of the Devil’s plan for the “destruction” of America, and said that equal marriage would mean a Communist government in the US, which would kill its own citizens.
Speaking to Stan Solomon on his show, Alan Keyes claimed that music, television shows and films which “promote the acceptance of homosexuality,” are a “key vehicle” for Satan’s plan for the “destruction” of America, reports RightWingWatch.
Earlier in the programme, Keyes claimed that allowing equal marriage in the US would lead to a Communist regime which would allow “the expropriation of all property” and “the murder of the masses.”
He said: “We need to keep in mind that the Devil is not playing; he’s deadly serious about the destruction of America’s character, spiritual nature and the foundations of that way of life which stood against the devilish work in the 20th century and defeated it soundly again and again.
“I think we are on the shortlist of most hated in the history of mankind and that United States of America, grounded in the principles of the Declaration, is targeted by the Adversary for destruction. The way of destruction is not the way some people think, money and the collapse of the economy, that’s all a consequence of the destruction of the moral understanding and moral character that made the regime possible in the first place and that has sustained our constitutional self-government since it was founded.”
He went on to claim that pop culture was a major part of Satan’s plan to “lure” people into the “lie” of accepting gay people.
“All of that is being destroyed and a key vehicle for doing that is what you might call the popular culture of entertainment: music, television shows, movies. I’ve noticed for instance that every form of entertainment now is being programmed to promote the acceptance of homosexuality, every form of it. You watch anything and there’s going to be contained within it this message. It is almost as if they are creating programming now with the purpose of luring people into an experience that they can then use to promote these lies.”
Stan Solomon, the show’s host also weighed into say that being gay is “destructive”, made a link between Nazism and gay rights, and went on to claim that “every society” which allowed gay rights had “crashed and burned”.
“The fact is, there’s these little innuendos and some direct frontal attacks saying if you don’t accept homosexuality there’s something wrong with you. Well, there’s something right with you. Homosexuality is destructive of the individual, destructive of the society and every society in the history of the world that has accepted homosexuality has crashed and burned. Someone tell me where I’m wrong. Many people don’t know that the Nazi party was born out of a homosexual group; they call it the pink swastika,” said Solomon.