National AIDS Trust: Tweet us your ‘birds and bees’ cupcakes

National AIDS Trust (NAT) is holding a ‘birds and bees’-themed competition to get people talking about safer sex and HIV, as part of the Bake Aware campaign.
The HIV/AIDS charity is calling on creative bakers to design a bird or a bee cupcake, and send the photos in via Twitter or Facebook. They are offering prizes of a 255-piece cupcake design set and Skullcandy headphones for the two best designs.
Teams of bakers can then sell their creations to raise both money for NAT’s work and awareness of safe sex.
NAT said in a statement: “The competition is open to everyone, from individuals, schools and choirs, to community and faith groups. We hope the competition will inspire people to hold a Bake Aware sale to raise awareness of HIV and funds for NAT by sharing HIV facts and statistics and helping banish myths and stigma by talking openly about HIV.
“Money raised from the Bake Aware events will contribute towards NAT’s vital work campaigning for government policy to support people living with HIV and educating the public about how to protect themselves and others from HIV.”
Deborah Jack, Chief executive of National AIDS Trust and one of the judges of the competition, comments: “Bake Aware is a fantastic way to create a buzz around HIV awareness and to have fun baking with friends, family and even colleagues, we’ve certainly seen a few ‘artistic’ cupcakes make their way to the NAT offices.
“We really hope that people get creative and design a bird or bee cupcake. We want everyone to know basic HIV facts, and we believe that Bake Aware is a great way to get people talking about the Birds and the Bees!”
Participants should organise their bake sale before 24 May for a chance to win, and email [email protected] for details of how to pass on money raised.