Comment: Remembering the Admiral Duncan nail bomb attack

Tuesday 30 April is the fourteenth anniversary of the nail bomb attack on the Admiral Duncan pub in Soho, central London. In a PinkNews comment piece, first published last year, Mark Healey reminds us why its importance to remember the events of 1999.
When David Copeland set out to stir up fear and hatred across London by planting nail bombs in Brixton (17th April), Brick Lane (24th April) and Soho (30th April) – targeting the local black, Asian and gay communities, he hoped it would cause a race war leading to the election of the British National Party. Luckily his plan failed but not before he had killed three people and injured and maimed many more.
Every year some of the survivors, the family and friends of those affected by the bombings gather on the 30th April at 6pm at the Admiral Duncan, and then at 6.20pm walk round to St Anne’s churchyard for a short act of remembrance lead by the priest from St Anne’s Church, Fr Swan.
Members of all communities are invited to line the route between the Admiral Duncan and St Anne’s churchyard to show support to those walking round to attend the service. Everyone is welcome, especially those who may have felt unable to attend before.
A two minute silence at 6.37pm will mark the moment when the Soho nail bomb left in a sports bag in the crowded bar was detonated killing three people and injuring over 80 more.
A peaceful moment to remember what happened and those that died including Andrea Dykes, John Light, Nik Moore as well as David Moorley (Sinders as many people knew him) along with those that survived and live with the memories of this dreadful attack.
We remember the bravery of those that responded immediately to tend to the injured, and those who have supported the survivors in the years that have followed. It is also important to understand and forgive those who for whatever reason were unable to do so.
Moving on with our lives in different ways we acknowledge how good prevailed and will continue to prevail as long we continue to stand and work together to prevent this happening again. These anniversaries serve to remind us that we must always be vigilant.
For further information please the visit the 17-24-30 No To Hate Crime campaign Facebook page.