Video: Anti-gay group: Homosexuality is ‘three times more dangerous’ than smoking

A new video by US anti-gay Christian organisation Faith 2 Action, claims that homosexuality is “more dangerous” than smoking, and attempts to parody a pro-LGBT children’s book, by suggesting that accepting same-sex parents is the same as encouraging children to smoke.
The video, posted by Right Wing Watch and made by Faith 2 Action, the anti-gay Christian organisation which is headed up by Janet Porter, begins with a parody of pioneering children’s book ‘Heather has two mommies’, which was released in 1989.
During the scene Porter reads the book ‘Heather has two cigarettes’, to the children, before passing out fake cigarettes. When she asks what the children want to be when they grow up, and all but one respond “smokers!”, she chastises the non-responding child, calls her a “smokaphobe”, and “intolerant”, before threatening to discipline her.
“Homosexual behavior is up to three times more dangerous than smoking,” claims the video, “We don’t promote smoking in the schools, so why would we promote something even more dangerous.”
American Family Association’s Michigan chapter Gary Glenn then appears, citing the Journal of Epidemiology, and claims that homosexual “behaviour”, can reduce the lifespan of an individual by 8-20 years, compared to a seven-year reduction from smoking.
“If you really care and love somebody you don’t want them to be involved in behavior that’s going to make them die earlier,” he says. “If you love them you want them to stick around and encourage them to get out of that lifestyle…. True Christian compassion is trying to help people out of self- destructive behaviour.”