US: Minnesotan pro-equal marriage organisation forms political group to support pro-LGBT lawmakers

A leading pro-equal marriage group in the US state of Minnesota has formed a Political Action Committee in order to support lawmakers in favour of the measure are re-elected.
Minnesotans United campaign manager Richard Carlbom announced the formation of MN United PAC this week, following the legalisation of equal marriage in the state.
He said: “Minnesotans United recognizes that casting a yes vote in favor of allowing same-sex couples to marry was a decision that many legislators struggled with,
“Minnesotans statewide called on the Legislature to take action this year, and a majority of legislators answered that call and made our state the twelfth to ensure that same-sex couples and their families are finally treated equally under the law.”
He continued: “MN United PAC will work tirelessly to ensure that the leaders in the Legislature – Republican and Democrat – who voted yes for marriage this year have the grassroots and financial support they need to be re-elected.”
“These legislators cast an important historic vote, and now it’s our turn to show our appreciation and tell them that we’ve got their back.”
The new PAC did not specify how much it would devote to the cause, however it was one of the forefront organisations which helped defeat a proposed constitutional amendment banning equal marriage last year.
Mr Dayton signed the bill into law on Tuesday at 17:00 local time using eight separate pens. It will allow same-sex weddings to take place from 1 August.
Citing the US Constitution, Mr Dayton said: “The right to liberty certainly includes marrying the one you love.”
Rainbow flags were also flown in St Paul, Minnesota ahead of the vote on equal marriage, in support of the measure.
Advocates of equal marriage have commended efforts in the state, which went from having a question on a ballot which would have banned equal marriage, to legalising it, in just over six months.
On 6 November, voters in Minnesota voted ‘no’ on Amendment 1, a constitutional amendment that would have defined marriage as being a union solely between a man and a woman.