US: Pentagon to extend some benefits to same-sex military spouses by end of August

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Reports suggest that the Pentagon is to extend health care, housing and other benefits to the same-sex spouses of military members by the end of this month.

The memo, reported by the Huffington Post states that the Pentagon my also reverse earlier plans to extend benefits to gay unmarried military couples.

The Associated Press released a draft Defense Department memo, which stated that same-sex couples would be given up to ten days leave in order to travel to a state where they can legally marry.

Chuck Hagel, Secretary of Defense, sent the memo to top leaders in the department, which says earlier plans to allow same-sex partners of military members to sign a declaration in order to receive some benefits, including access to military stores, and some health benefits, would be reversed.

The US Defense Secretary in February confirmed reports that the Pentagon was to extend some benefits to same-sex military couples.

ReportsĀ suggested that that the Pentagon was preparing to extend some benefits to same-sex partners of gay service members.

Donā€™t Ask Donā€™t Tell, the ban on openly gay people serving in the US military, was repealed on 20 September 2011, amidst warnings that the US military would be aversely affected by the change.