Man goes on hunger strike against gay rights. How the internet responds is guaranteed to make you laugh

After finding out that a Utah man had gone on hunger strike against the newly instated right of gay couples to marry, a Facebook group was set up to send him… encouragement.
The group was set up to send pictures of delicious food to Meacham, but quickly became so much more than that.
Admittedly, some people just posted pictures of delicious looking food like these ribs
And this ice cream…
*Salivates* And Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
We especially like the look of these pancakes
But some people added the personal touch like Keith, who sent a picture of this amazing turkey for Trestin’s attention
And these cupcakes from Melinda…
Some used the group as a forum to share recipes for acquired tastes, and some slightly unusual dishes
Apparently this is a Mormon Jello salad (with carrots) – apt giving that Utah is known for its large Mormon population
Some went off-piste with pictures like this one
People definitely took advantage of the situation to use as many sausage references as possible
Which led to pictures of food that looks like genitals. Ham anyone?
As if salami wasn’t phallic enough
[Insert meat and two veg joke here]
The news apparently went trans-Atlantic as this British favourite appeared
Our Friends at Gay Timesalso joined in posting this picture with the caption “your dinner is in the dog”
But others used it as an educational exercise
Any excuse to dig out this classic picture of former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum eating an *ahem* ice cream, is a winner
But mainly it was an excuse to look at lots of pictures of delicious food…
And… erm… Richard Simmons
While some might say that it is cruel sending pictures of delicious food to someone on a hunger strike, surely it is cruel to stand up against the human rights of a minority?
And it looks SO delicious…
Trestin is probably feeling a bit like this now…
Although he did tweet this on Saturday
People can say what they wish. I have no ill will toward any of them. I wish all of you well.
— Trestin Meacham (@TrestinMeacham1) January 5, 2014
We think sandwiches just won’t cut it for lunch today.