New York Times illustrations say boycott of Barilla pasta ‘has ended’

A series of illustrations for the New York Times have claimed that gay people have ceased their boycott of Barilla pasta, the chairman of which said he would never include a gay family in an ad.
55-year-old Barilla Chairman Guido Barilla came under fire in September, after he said: “I would never make a spot with a homosexual family. Not out of a lack of respect but because I don’t see it like they do. (My idea of) family is a classic family where the woman has a fundamental role.”
Following the outspoken remarks, Labour MEP Michael Cashman called for a boycott of the 130 year old brand, which is readily available in UK stores.
The New York Times illustrations titled ‘Planet Pasta’, by Nicholas Blechman, an illustrator and the art director of the New York Times Book Review, state that, since Mr Barilla apologised, “the boycott” of the products “has ended.”
It appeared in the Opinion section of the NYT website.