US black pastor group: America is being ‘re-engineered’ by gay activists

The Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP), affiliated with the anti-gay National Organisation for Marriage, says America is disappearing and is being “re-engineered” by LGBT advocates.
The organisation recently posted a newsletter condemning America for accepting homosexuality.
The leaflet read: “Friends, it (homosexuality) is attempting to unravel the foundations of the family. We are up against those who are committed to altering our society, and who will ultimately destroy it.
“America as we know it is disappearing. Did you realize that it is now legal for homosexual couples to adopt children?”
The leaflet argues equal marriage is just the beginning of America’s degradation, and that the courts themselves are corrupt with sin: “It is critical to realize that gay marriage isn’t even the end goal – just a step on the path to their re-engineered Amerca.
“We cannot put our faith in the courts to uphold the sanctity of marriage. Many judges and even state attorneys are either gay themselves or support the LGBT agenda. They are legislating sin from the bench, and putting the nails in the coffin of America at the same time.”
The media is criticised for supporting the “battle” America faces between family and homosexuality. It states: “We are in a battle for the family and for the future of this nation. Television, Hollywood, and the media bombard us daily with the homosexual agenda.”
It goes on to suggest that America is expected to suffer consequences for the “tide of debauchery” sweeping across the nation.
“We are almost certainly headed for a divine confrontation. We must be prepared for what is to come.
“When an empire, nation, state, or government can no longer discern good from evil, it is time for us to drop to our knees to repent and pray.”