US: AFA claims Burger King is ‘celebrating cross-dressers’ with Pride campaign

The American Family Association has claimed that Burger King’s Pride campaign encourages people to cross-dress.
A letter the anti-gay group is encouraging members to send to the Burger King CEO Daniel S Schwartz reads” I am offended by Burger King’s stunt in offering a so-called ‘Proud Whopper’ in San Francisco. What were you thinking?
“Your celebrated promotion of cross-dressers and homosexuality is an insult to families and I find your celebration of abhorrent behaviour as a reason to dine elsewhere.
“I hope you will learn from this publicity blunder and realize that while most stores did not participate in the corporate-approved program, the damage has been done and affects the image of all Burger King outlets.”
“The concern obviously is that is this isn’t bottled up in San Francisco, this kind of nonsense, then it’s going to be spreading across the entire plane, and you’re going to be going to your Burger King in De Moines, Iowa, and you’re going to have a rainbow coloured wrapper for your Whopper.
“You know, I think this is a marketing mistake, I think it’s a bonehead move from a marketing standpoint because I’ve got a guarantee… when people sit down to eat a hamburger, the last thing they want to be thinking about is two guys having sex.”