University of California introduces gender-neutral toilets

The University of California (UC) is introducing gender-neutral toilets in all of their 10 campuses as well as a preferred name policy in a bid to become more LGBT-inclusive.
Yesterday, the president of the university, Janet Napolitano, announced that all existing single-sex bathrooms in UC buildings will become open to all genders.
The move came after concerns were raised on behalf of an advisory council of transgender students and staff.
Napolitano also announced the introduction of a new name policy which will permit students to update their records with a preferred name that does not necessarily match their legal name.
In a statement, she said: “UC should be the gold standard where these issues are concerned.”
Several UC campuses such as Santa Cruz, Berkeley, Davis, and Irvine already advocate the new name policy which sees student’s preferred names on ID cards, campus directories and in class.
Berkeley and Riverside already have gender-neutral dormitories.
California is known to be one of the most progressive states in America, particularly for LGBT rights.
In July, California enacted gender-neutral marriage.Â