Bill Clinton: It breaks my heart that Uganda puts aid at risk by demonising gays

Former US President Bill Clinton has spoken out against Uganda’s homophobic laws.
The country implemented an ‘Anti-Homosexuality Act’ earlier this year, and is currently working on a revised version of the law after a court struck down the first one.
Speaking at the Human Rights Campaign dinner in Washington DC, the former President said: “There are about 80 countries now that have very serious restrictions on LGBT rights.
“I love Uganda, I’ve done a lot of work there. I did when I was President, and I have since.
“I’ve tried to help them with their AIDS problem, and one of my Clinton global initiative partners is building fabulous schools for them, at one quarter of the price the government was paying, so they have money to hire good teachers.
“It just breaks my heart that they put all that at risk to pursue what is essentially a political agenda, to isolate and demonise gay people for short-term political gain.
“In an unsettled time, identity politics of any kind are powerful and can prey on the self-confidence and the raw nerves of people who are uncertain about the unknown.
“The biggest threat to the future of our children and grandchildren is the poison of identity politics that preaches that our differences are far more important than our common humanity.”
Joking about his wife Hillary Rodham Clinton – tipped to be running for President in 2016 – Mr Clinton said: “I love the HRC. The initials are great.”
Watch the entire speech below: