Pastor: Gays should live in houses where the toilets don’t work

A Christian pastor has made the bizarre claim that people who support same-sex marriage should move to houses where the plumbing doesn’t work.
Jim Garlow – the senior pastor at Skyline Church in San Diego – says that people who don’t understand male and female couples should only live in houses with bad plumbing.
He made the bizarre claim while calling in to the “Point Of View” radio show, to discuss the Vatican’s recent interfaith summit on marriage “between a man and a woman”.
The pastor said: “All the people who advocate for so-called same-sex marriage ought to have to live in homes in which the plumbers who built them, or the electricians who built them, didn’t understand the difference between the male and female end of piping or plumbing or of electrical as well, and see how that home works out for them.”
“It doesn’t work. It can’t work because God has made male and female spiritually, physically, psychology, and emotionally as complementary to each other, completing each other.”
Mr Garlow’s surreal claims are second only to Pastor David James Manning, who insists that Starbucks flavours its lattes with the “semen of sodomites”.
Listen to the clip via Right Wing Watch below: