Paper clarifies UKIP ad mistake which said ‘Say no to the UK’

A paper has clarified a UKIP ad it printed which read: “Say no to the UK!”, to say the mistake was on the part of the paper, not the party.
The advert was taken out by UKIP Rotherham in a Christmas advert in the Rotherham Record.
Now the paper has printed an apology, stating the correct wording: “Say no to the EU”, was supplied, but that the paper printed the wrong words.
UKIP candidate Ben Roberts tweeted asking: “I wonder if the mainstream media that ran with the story, will also run with The Record’s apology.”
I wonder if the mainstream media that ran with the story, will also run with The Record’s apology? #needntholdbreath
— Ben Roberts (@benrobertsUKIP) December 24, 2014
UKIP candidate Kerry Smith stepped down last month, after the Mail on Sunday reported leaked phone calls in which he referred to gay people as “poofters” and joked about the party’s LGBT membership group.
Defending his claims on LBC, he ranted: “Working class people have gotta do the Eliza Doolittle treatment if they want to run for a political party at Westminster.
“We’re trying to make the House of commons look like this country and if you’re working class you’ve got leprosy.
“You’ve gotta put a plumb in your mouth become something you are not – and I’ll tell you something. If it’s a case of me ditching my roots to go to Westminster – I will always be who I am, and I’m a cockney.”