SNP to host UK’s ‘largest ever’ LGBT conference

The Scottish National Party (SNP) is set to host what it calls the UK’s “largest ever” LGBT conference hosted by a political party.
The one-day event will be held at the Caledonian University in Glasgow, and will be opened by Nicola Sturgeon, the First Minister and SNP leader.
Hosted by the SNP’s LGBT wing ‘Out for Independence’, the conference will also be addressed by deputy leader Stewart Hosie.
The conference will involve series of workshops, debates and speeches aimed at keeping LGBTI people engaged in politics following last year’s independence referendum, which saw unprecedented levels of voter participation.
650 delegates from across Scotland will attend the event, which will mark LGBT History Month with a debate on how LGBT rights have improved in Scotland over the years.
Speaking ahead of the conference, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “One of the loveliest occasions I have attended since becoming First Minister was as a guest at one of Scotland’s first same-sex weddings.
“Rarely have I experienced such a profound sense of new beginnings as I did when I was at Susan and Gerrie Douglas-Scott’s marriage on Hogmanay in Glasgow.
“It is right and proper that couples should be able to marry, regardless of their sexual orientation, and have the same opportunity to experience the kind of happiness I did on my wedding day.
“I am committed to a Scotland that is fair and equal for all, and one which encourages democratic participation and engagement.
“So naturally I am delighted to hear that this event is set to be the largest ever political LGBTI Conference across the nations of the UK – and I have every confidence that it will be a great success.”