Gay UKIP MEP calls police after threat to shoot him in the face

UKIP’s most senior gay politician has gone to the police, after receiving alleged death threats.
MEP David Coburn, who has repeatedly claimed that same-sex marriage supporters are “equality Nazis”, has himself reported a hate crime after threats were made against him.
The man – who sources describe as a Scottish nationalist – reportedly threatened on Facebook to shoot Mr Coburn in the face.
Arthur Misty of UKIP Scotland told the Scotsman: “I can confirm an alleged hate crime against David Coburn MEP has been reported to Police Scotland.
“It is likely this is no more than the usual Braveheart bravado we have come to expect from cowardly keyboard commandos but we are not in the business of taking chances.
“I’m sure you will appreciate we do not wish to prejudice any investigation so neither David or I will be commenting further at this time.”
However, a source said: “The threat relates to comments about shooting Mr Coburn in the face.
“Police Scotland are investigating an online threat and possible incitement received via David Coburn’s page.”
In September, Mr Coburn accused the SNP of being “fascist”, and controversially compared Alex Salmond to Robert Mugabe.
He has also said of same-sex marriage: “What you’re doing with the gay marriage issue is you’re rubbing people’s noses in the dirt.
“[It’s] the equality Nazis trying to give Christianity a jolly good kicking. You know it, I know it, we all know it – it’s false bollocks, the lot of it.
“It’s just for some queen who wants to dress up in a bridal frock and in a big moustache and dance up the aisle to the Village People.”