‘Benefits Britain’ drag queen quits to become a Tory candidate

A drag queen from Blackpool is set to quit her job, after being selected to stand as a Conservative candidate.
Kitty Litter – real name William Coughlin – has been performing on the drag circuit up and down the country for two decades, but will hang up her heels after being selected by the Conservative party to fight in Blackpool’s council elections.
The drag act-turned-politician, who runs Kittyʼs Corner Café in the town centre, also appeared on Channel 5 series ‘Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole’ last year.
Appearing as Kitty Litter in the show, the drag queen joked about the state of the country, saying: “We need to put a picture up there of all these f**king transient bastards, who get all kinds off this government and do f**k all.
“I’m sick of it, coming over hear sleeping with our food and eating our f**king men. It gets on my nerves… because they don’t f**king deserve it!
“I’m not being horrible, because I know a lot of people are on the dole, I buy a lot of knock-off gear off them.
“These soup kitchens and everything else. I don’t like soup, I like lobster, and I’m f**king sick of it!”
“Benefit Britain? It’s f**king crazy!”
Mr Coughlin told the the Blackpool Gazette: “I have been performing as Kitty Litter for 20 years up and down the country… it is comedy through and through – there is no malice.
“I am doing this for the town and people and what they want. I am donating my council allowance to charity if elected.”
He said during the show: “Kitty’s an acquired taste. She’s a modern day suffragette, no nonsense, speaks quite freely, takes no prisoners, but at the same time she’s got a heart.
“There’s a lot of people suffering from cuts, they’ve had their benefits cut, they’ve had their housing cut. What I do is try to pick them back up when they’re on a downer.”
Last year a senior Scottish National Party adviser quit to pursue a career in drag.