Did Justin Timblerlake and Jessica Biel just hire two gay nannies?

According to reports Hollywood couple Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel have hired two gay nannies to care for their new baby.
According to OK magazine, Biel and Timberlake hired the nannies to look after Silas Randall Timberlake who was born in early April.
A source told the magazine: “[Biel] hired two gay male nannies she knows through mutual friends and is having them rotate schedules.”
Both parents plan to remain hands on, however, as the insider said: “[Justin’s] in there too, changing diapers and gushing to everyone he knows that Silas is already ‘a little angel.’”
Timberlake has in the past said that he was “stoked” New York had introduced marriage equality for gay couples, saying he was proud the state had “the balls to stand up for what’s right”.