Westboro Baptist Church threatens to picket Dumbledore’s wedding

The Westboro Baptist Church has threatened to picket the imaginary wedding of Dumbledore and Gandalf – seriously.
The threat came after the fundamentalist US Church read on PinkNews that Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling had endorsed the marriage of her gay character, Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore and Gandalf, played by out actor Sir Ian McKellan.
Rowling, who has a long history of supporting equal rights, posted the tweet during last weekend’s vote, sharing her “awe” at the nation’s support of equal marriage and stating: “Ireland set an example for the world.”
However, things soon took a more sinister turn, when members of Westboro tweeted a threat to the author, claiming they would picket the imagined event between two fictional characters.
Not one to be deterred in her support of the gay community, Rowling responded to the infamously homophobic religious group, claiming “the sheer awesomeness of such a union in such a place would blow your tiny bigoted minds out of your thick sloping skulls.”
Yesterday, The Westboro Baptist Church inadvertently declared its hatred for the Ivory Coast, after printing the Irish flag backwards on protest posters.
On Tuesday, the Catholic church also spoke out against Ireland’s historic vote, with the Vatican claiming it was a “defeat for humanity”.