Leslie Jordan on claims he threw iced coffee at homophobe: ‘It was actually iced tea’

Leslie Jordan has corrected reports that he threw iced coffee at an angry homophobe – by revealing it was actually iced tea.
The 60-year-old is best known for his role on gay sitcom Will & Grace, playing Karen’s diminutive and ‘sexually ambiguous’ rival Beverley Leslie.
The actor was involved in an incident in a Los Angeles Starbucks, in which he was reported to have thrown cold coffee over a man for yelling homophobic slurs.
When a disruptive group of men were asked to leave, one yelled “You will die f**king f*****” – at which point Leslie came over and challenged them, eventually throwing his drink.
The actor has now broken his silence to speak out about the incident – revealing that he was definitely not drinking coffee.
He said: “I was hoping to remain silent on the incident at Starbucks but somehow the story found legs and has made its way into the press. I feel I owe my friends an explanation.
“Truth be told it was ‘sweet’ iced tea, not coffee. I am a ‘sweet’ mannered Southern boy who was taught not to start a fight. Nobody ever told me I could not end one. I refused to sit and watch these hate crimes continue. I guess our work for equality is not done yet!
“I’m being hailed a hero which is all well and good but I lost my temper. My heroes in life always kept their cool.”
No arrests were made and no crime recorded during the incident, though police logged the disturbance as a “hate incident”. Mr Jordan did not face any action for throwing his drink at the men.
As we take cold drinks seriously, PinkNews would like to retract its previous claim that Mr Jordan is an iced coffee drinker.