Transgender named as 2015 Word of the Year

The use of the word has risen in popularity – up 100% on the previous year.
Transgender has joined words such as binge-watching and dadbod as 2015 Words of the Year – according to Collins English Dictionary.
Lexicographers said the rise in usage of transgender – up 100% on the previous year – is due to the increased popularity of trans stars such as actress Laverne Cox and reality star Caitlyn Jenner.
Researchers said the increased usage of certain words are a great way of measuring societal change.
“Once again, the list of Collins’ Words of the Year offers a fascinating snapshot of the ever-changing English language,” said Helen Newstead, Head of Language Content at Collins.
Other entries to make the short-list include ghosting (to end a relationship by cutting off contact) and clean eating (eating only natural foods).
Earlier this year, many of the terms now featured in Collins were also added to The Oxford English Dictionary.
Terms such as Mx and manspreading were added to the esteemed during its quarterly update in August.
The title Mx is a gender-neutral alternative to Mr and Ms, which has grown in use and popularity – with MPs being sworn into the House of Commons given the option of the gender neutral title for the first time after May’s election.
Mx is defined in the dictionary as “n: a title used before a person’s surname by those who wish to avoid specifying their gender.”
Manspreading, on the other hand (or should that be crotch?) is a term coined by frequenters of public transport, referring to men who “splay their legs wide apart, encroaching on neighbouring seats”.
Other contemporary entrants include the politically inspired Brexit – “a term for the hypothetical departure of the United Kingdom’s from the 28-nation European Union” – and beer o’clock – which is pretty self-explanatory.
Just don’t make us hangry – or we might just rage-quit and head to a cat-cafe.