People are very excited about a photo of Canada’s new PM and a gay MP’s family

A photo of Canada’s new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is doing the rounds on social media – because he is with an out gay MP and his family.
The photo is being celebrated as a sign that Trudeau’s government will be more forward-thinking when it comes to LGBT issues.
In it, Trudeau, who was sworn in as Prime Minister last week, and appointed a gender-equal Cabinet, poses with MP Scott Brison.
It has been shared on Facebook over 3,000 times, and many have praised Trudeau.
Brison is the longest serving out gay MP in Canada’s Parliament.
One LGBT rights advocate from Quebec wrote in the comments: “Few countries in the world display such openness.”
After being sworn in on Wednesday, Trudeau appointed the Cabinet, which is made up of a totally gender-equal team.
The self-proclaimed feminist made the promise to appoint a gender-equal Cabinet in his campaign.
The 43-year-old defeated incumbent Conservative Stephen Harper last month.
When asked why he appointed a gender-equal Cabinet, Trudeau simply replied: “Because it’s 2015.”