Join the PinkNews work experience scheme in London

PinkNews is currently welcoming applications for our editorial work experience scheme based at our London office.
Successful candidates will secure a placement learning and practising the key skills associated with online journalism: researching, interviewing, writing, editing and promoting news articles on social media. Each year, we welcome around 24 people onto our scheme from a variety of backgrounds and connections to the LGBT community.
During the placement, you will learn and practice news writing skills, as well as having the opportunity to write longer features, or a comment piece on a topic of your choosing.
Many people get the chance to interview a politician or celebrity, and are able to edit and publish their own articles by the time they leave.
At PinkNews we are looking for people who are able to hit the ground running, who we can invest time and our expertise in, and welcome on board the busy team.
Here are two of the stories of recent graduates of our work experience programme:-
I started work experience at PinkNews after a few placements with local newspapers – and feel I got far more from the experience.My writing ability and reporting skills improved immensely during the month, and I was made to feel welcome and invested in from day one, as well as being given chances to prove myself and make a difference.
The unpredictable nature of the news cycle and breadth of stories covered were also welcome. I have learned to cover everything from international news to entertainment to politics at the drop of the hat.
Soon after my placement I was offered my first paid freelance work with PinkNews, and within months I had landed a full-time job with the team.
I also feel immensely lucky to have seen same-sex weddings begin during my time at PinkNews, and to have broken stories which have appeared across the national and international press.
I started work experience at PinkNews when I first arrived in London, and during the first week of my placement I was in Parliament interviewing a newly elected openly gay MP.The passage of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act for England and Wales was an exciting time, and I felt I gave a valuable input into the comprehensive coverage of the bill as it went through to Royal Assent.
My writing skills were quickly improved, and after I left my placement, I took up regular freelance work with PinkNews.
On the back of my work experience at PinkNews, which I consider invaluable, I now have a job I love as a researcher for a school leader support service. I also made friends for life among the PinkNews team.
Why we operate the scheme
Since 2005, PinkNews has produced compelling and groundbreaking content for and about the LGBT+ community. Our readers have an insatiable appetite for content to read and we work hard to ensure that we cover every angle for every story. We also believe in journalism and the power for journalism to change the lives of ordinary people. We’re proud that it was on PinkNews that former British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg became the first leader of the major political parties to back same-sex marriage.
We are going to be honest here. Many publications use people on work experience to act as unpaid journalists or people to make cups of tea or coffee, with no prospects of paid employment. Often those who take part in schemes face considerable transport costs to attend. PinkNews is different. We want to give an opportunity for students and those new to the profession to gain writing experience, expertise and improve their confidence. The aim is that by the end of their time with us, those on the scheme will know whether they want to enter into the world of journalism and hopefully have the confidence to apply for a job.
What is the benefit for us? The benefits are simple and multi-sided. We want to offer opportunities to as many people as possible. We also think that we gain as an organisation from having interactions with as many people as possible. There’s another reason, some of our best members of staff and our those in our bank of freelance writers have already spent time on our work experience scheme before or have completed a placement at another similar publication. While we make no promises, we hope that those who enjoy their time with PinkNews will later apply for a job here when opportunities arise.
The full terms and conditions of our work experience scheme are available during the application process and those on the scheme must first sign a contract that details the exact aims of the scheme. Placements take place at the PinkNews office in central London. We are proud to say that unlike most national newspapers, we offer those on work experience expenses so that they are not left out of pocket while completing their placement. We do this because journalism should be a profession for all, not just the privileged.
To apply, in the first instance, or for more information, please send a covering letter and a CV to You should hear back from us within a few working days.