Anti-gay pastor threatens to murder protesters and ‘p*ss on your mother’s grave’

Pastor James Dean Manning has released yet another bizarre and ridiculous video.
This time the homophobic pastor has unleashed a hysterical tirade against those who seek to protest inside the homophobic Atlah church in Harlem.
In the video, he bluntly states “[If] you come to the ATLAH World Missionary Church, you try to get to the pulpit or you try to get anywhere and put hands on me or Elizabeth, here’s what’s gonna happen.
“The men of the church are going to immediately leave the service and find your family members and castrate the men and slit the throats of the women.
“That’s what the men of the church are gonna do. We’re gonna find all your family members. And then the men of the church are gonna piss on the graves of your ancestors.”
The pastor has also announced that he is endorsing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.
It is unknown whether Trump is happy about the nomination from the man who became famous for claiming that Starbucks puts ‘sodomite’ semen in their lattes.
Last month Manning was faced with a group of over 100 demonstrators outside his ATLAH Church in Harlem, New York.
The protestors were demonstrating against the Churche’s repeated use of homophobic signs, the latest of which claimed that “You sodomites and freaks have soiled Harlem,
“But ye shall be moved, payback is a bitch”.
Manning’s response was to berate the crowd, seranading them with a bizare song and shouting homophobic and racist slurs.
Watch Manning’s latest ‘sermon’ below.