Mike Huckabee is furious he didn’t get endorsed by anti-gay marriage groups

Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee is devastated he didn’t get endorsed by leading religious anti-gay groups, despite months making ill-informed homophobic comments.
The former Fox News pundit is currently running for the Republican Presidential nomination – but is polling single figures in most polls, well behind most of the field.
Huckabee has spent the past year making vaguely homophobic comments to further his bid – rallying behind Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, comparing anti-LGBT activists to Martin Luther King, labelling gay parents ‘destructive’, and ‘joking’ he wishes he were transgender to spy on teenage girls in the shower.
Despite all of his hard work, it doesn’t seem to have paid off, with ‘religious right’ groups like the anti-gay National Organisation for Marriage throwing their weight behind Ted Cruz.
Speaking to pundit Todd Starnes, Huckabee all-but-admitted that his strategy of pandering to evangelicals hadn’t worked.
But he bizarrely now thinks he’s too committed for religious groups to endorse, explaining: “Well, certainly a sense of disappointment, and yet I do understand because, as I’ve often said, ‘I don’t go to them, I come from them.
“Because of that I do understand them.
“A lot of them, quite frankly, I think they’re scared to death that if a guy like me got elected, I would actually do what I said I would do, and that is, I would focus on the personhood of every individual.
“We would abolish abortion based on the Fifth and 14th Amendment. We would ignore the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision.”
Claiming this would stifle fundraising for such groups, he adds: “A lot of these organizations wouldn’t have the ability to do urgent fundraising because if we slay the dragon, what dragon do they continue to fight?
“And so, for many of them, it could be a real detriment to their organization’s abilities to gin up their supporters and raise the contributions, and I know that sounds cynical but it is what it is.”