One in three gay men have experienced ‘anti-fat bias’

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More than one third of gay men have been treated badly due to their weight, results of a new survey show.

One in three gay men have experienced ā€˜anti-fat bias,ā€™ according to a recent study published in Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.

Out of the 215 participants who took part in the study, more than one third reported directly experiencing anti-fat bias ā€“ even though many of them were not overweight using body mass index (BMI) guidelines.

One in three gay men have experienced ‘anti-fat bias’

The most common type of bias based on weight reported was rejection by potential partners.

Researchers say that both experiencing and witnessing anti-fat bias was associated with several types of body image disturbance ā€“ such as body dysmorphia and eating disorders.

A later study also found that gay men reported a greater likelihood of being blatantly ignored, treated rudely or mocked behind his back by friends and romantic interests if overweight.

ā€œThese studies suggest that anti-fat bias is a challenge for many members of the gay community, even those who are not technically overweight,ā€ the study concluded.

ā€œAdditionally, gay men expect other gay men to show these anti-fat biases when looking for a romantic partner.ā€

Discrimination within the gay community caused further debate recently, as a new hashtag aimed at highlighting racism between gay men trended on Twitter.

One in three gay men have experienced ‘anti-fat bias’

Users of the hashtag #TweetLikeAWhiteGay accused certain members of the gay community of condemning prejudice, whilst simultaneously discriminating against other minorities, especially on hook-up apps.

Others ridiculed ā€œprivileged, whiteā€ gay men for appropriating language and style from the very minorities whose plight they continue to ignore.