Video of actors reading real casting calls for female roles will make you laugh and cry (VIDEO)

A new video of real actors reading out actual casting calls for female roles is guaranteed to shock you.
You may remember that last month a Hollywood producer took on the industry by tweeting real, shocking casting calls for female roles.
Now ‘Casting Call, the Project’, has gone one step further.
The below video starts with real actors reading out the casting calls for real female roles.
Ranging from “Loves being a woman so wears a push-up bra”, to “down bitches, starring role, free lunch”, the calls go from absurd and hilarious to downright offensive.
The video takes a more serious twist when it unveils the age differences between the casting calls for lead male and lead female roles.
One example shows that the lead male role asks for an age of 30-55, and the equivalent female role has a maximum age of 35.
Commenting on the femininity, body and clothing of the characters, some of the casting calls have to be heard to be believed.
Towards the end of the video, the actors speak out in disbelief that the role descriptions are real.
Check out the video below, and prepare to be gobsmacked: