Miami pulls down ‘suggestive’ ads for gay hook-up app… after one person complained

Miami and Wilton Manors authorities have ordered the removal of ads for a gay hook-up app, after complaints from one resident.
The hook-up app Squirt has embarked on a high-profile ad campaign in a number of countries to advertise it.
The ads are not explicit – but they have been pulled down in a number of locations because they are suggestive and often feature topless men.
Miami became the latest city to order the ads removed, after one local resident complained about the ads.
The company said the ads “were removed after pushback from conservative city officials due to allegations of community backlash” – despite “the only complaint [coming] from a single resident. Michael Rajner, on Mar. 8 during a commission meeting.”
According to the Broward Palm Beach New Times, gay Wilton Manors resident Michael Rajner – who previously tried to get his dog elected Mayor – was the only person to actually complain.
He said: “Gay men are certainly a little bit more sexually charged, possibly, than other populations.
“But I know we also have schools and families, and we try to be a welcoming community for everybody. And personally if I had a kid, I wouldn’t want them to have to walk past something like this and have to figure out what it is.”
Attila Szatmari of Pink Triangle Press said: “Unfortunately, we learned all of our ads were required by the city to be removed by the city on Mar. 14 due to apparent complaints by community members.
“However, upon further investigation, we learned of only a single complaint on record.
“Having used similar campaigns successfully around the world, we’re extremely disappointed at the decision to cave under the most minimal pressure. This reeks of discrimination and prejudice.”
“Our ads promote gay cruising and casual hookups, but we always take great lengths to ensure our ads meet community standards before they are ever posted”
Other cities to pull down the ads include Cardiff, Toronto, and Amsterdam.